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Mrs Barrett is the subject leader for PSHE. This is what she says about her subject.
I feel that personal, social, emotional and relationship education is extremely important for children in order for them to succeed in later life. By giving children the tools to navigate their own emotions in such a busy world will ensure they are equipped to have a happy and healthy life. The relationships formed at All Saints will help them understand the importance of healthy relationships as they progress to secondary school and beyond. I am a reflective within my own life and I hope this guidance will help our children to reflect mindfully in all they do.
This is what the children say about PSHE.
The children have enjoyed the first happy mind topic, they loved the characters and enjoyed talking about their brain. They recognised that they needed their brain for everything they do. The children loved making their glitter bottles, which represented their brain when they felt emotional. EYFS read the Colour Monster which helped the children understand their feelings and that it is ok to sometimes feel angry. The programme helped the children to understand how to deal with different emotions.
Bobby J.- I like that it helps me learn about myself.
Louis F. - The sessions calm me down and help me calm down when I get stressed.
Daniel H. - It massages my brain.
Edward H.- It helps me to understand myself and the things I do.
Zac B. - I remember the strategies when I am worried or anxious.
Leon T. - It is creative and calming, it helps my days.
Year 3 really enjoy taking part in the My Happy Mind programme. They like learning the 'grown up' vocabulary of HAP and are beginning to use it when discussing learning in other lessons. They like the privacy of their own journal to record their thoughts and reflections. Year 3 also enjoyed singing the Happy Breathing song and we encourage happy breathing during times of stress/upset.
Research tells us:
MyHappymind, is a science-backed programme for schools that is grounded in the latest science and research about what it takes to create positive wellbeing . It also delivers the PSHE curriculum apart from sex/ relationship education.
The programme brings together a wealth of experience in education design, leadership, social sciences and child psychology. All the products are built based on positive psychology and neuroscience, and powered by innovative technology to help nurseries, schools and families develop resilient and thriving children. It supports the development of health and fun habits in your setting. The myHappymind programme is already being used across hundreds of schools and nurseries across the UK.
This is a whole school approach and resource ; Schools will receive access to the PSHE virtual lessons and package as well as a range of supporting resources and materials to aid learning. to embed and further reinforce this, for parents, there is access to the myHappymind Parent App. So, parents can reinforce everything their children are learning at school whilst they’re at home.
Please see the link below for more information.
At All Saints our Christian values underpin our ethos; every child is valued and encouraged to achieve their full potential. Every member of our school community is encouraged to respect and value each other. Wherever possible we make close links between our values, worship and PSHE curriculum.
Personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE) and relationship and sex education (RSE) are an important and necessary part of all pupils’ education. Through a planned programme of learning, we aim to provide our pupils with the knowledge, understanding and skills that they need in order to manage their lives both now and in the future. As part of a whole school approach, we aim to develop the attributes our pupils need to thrive as individuals, as part of a family and as a confident member of the wider community.
Our school is committed to serving its community and surrounding areas. We recognise the multicultural, multi faith and ever-changing nature of the United Kingdom, and therefore those we serve. At our school we embrace the British Values of: Democracy, The rule of law, Individual liberty, Mutual respect and Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs.
What are our aims?
We want our children to learn to understand and respect our common humanity, diversity and differences so that they can go on to form the effective, fulfilling relationships that are an essential part of life and learning.
How is PSHE taught?
Relationship and health education is statutory for primary aged children. Primary schools are not required to teach sex education as the science curriculum teaches the statutory elements of sex education.
PSHE (which includes Relationships and Sex Education) is taught weekly through a planned programme of work that follows the Jigsaw PSHE programme. Jigsaw brings together PSHE Education, emotional literacy, social skills and spiritual development in a comprehensive scheme of learning. Teaching strategies are varied and are mindful of preferred learning styles and the need for differentiation. Jigsaw is designed as a whole school approach, with all year groups working on the same theme (Puzzle) at the same time. This enables each Puzzle to start with an introductory collective worship, generating a whole school focus for adults and children alike.