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All Saints’ Church of England Primary School Living out our Christian values

All Saints Stand Church

Links between School and All Saints Stand Church

The worship committee has a key role in planning and leading worship in school and church. Mrs Orrell, a member of the church PCC attends the school worship committee and supports their planning and worship.

We plan visits to church throughout the year and we hold our Christmas Carol Service and Year 6 Leavers' Service in church as they are such special occasions and we want our families and friends to be able to attend. 

We are regularly involved in the Harvest service at church. We lead and support the Mothering Day services  and we make all the Christingles to hand out in church at the Christingle Service.

Mrs Branch represents our school on the church PCC and is an intercessor at church. 

The classes contribute towards the Church Magazine each month.




All Saints School Magazine Contributions

All Saints Stand Church



  • EY FS 95.90
  • Year 1 95.57
  • Year 2 98.89
  • Year 3 93.38
  • Year 4 92.91
  • Year 5 98.85
  • Year 6 92.45

